Ironing Company Directory
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  • Ironing Company Directory
  • 3 Andover Road Nottingham NG5 5FB
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Ironing service providers, whether they be national ironing companies or sole trader ironers just starting out, may list their business here for free. We also accept entries from dry cleaners, laundrettes and any cleaning company that offers ironing services. Enquiries - 0115 9602185 or


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Oxfordshire Areas

Abingdon, Adderbury, Adwell, Alkerton, Alvescot, Ambrosden, Appleford-on-Thames, Appleton, Ardington, Ardley, Arncott, Ascott under Wychwood, Ashbury, Asthall, Asthall Leigh, Aston, Aston Rowant, Aston Tirrold, Aston Upthorpe, Bablock Hythe, Bainton, Balscote, Bampton, Banbury, Barford St. John, Barford St. Michael, Barnard Gate, Barton, Baulking, Baynard’s Green, Bayworth, Beckley, Begbroke, Benson, Berinsfield, Berrick Salome, Bessels Leigh, Bicester, Binfield Heath, Bix, Black Bourton, Blackditch, Blackthorn, Bladon, Blenheim, Bletchingdon, Blewbury, Bloxham, Boars Hill, Bodicote, Botley, Bould, Bourton, Bow, Brighthampton, Brightwell Baldwin, Brightwell cum Sotwell, Britwell Salome, Brize Norton, Broadwell, Broughton, Broughton Poggs, Bruern Abbey, Buckland, Bucknell, Burcot, Burdrop, Burford, Buscot, Caldecott, Cane End, Carterton, Cassington, Caulcott, Caversfield, Chadlington, Chalgrove, Charlbury, Charlton on Otmoor, Charney Bassett, Charterville Allotments, Chastleton, Chawley, Checkendon, Chesterton, Childrey, Chilson, Chilton, Chimney, Chinnor, Chipping Norton, Chislehampton, Cholsey, Christmas Common, Church Enstone, Church Hanborough, Churchill. Clanfield, Claydon, Cleeve, Cleveley, Clifton, Clifton Hampden, Cogges, Coleshill, Combe, Compton Beauchamp, Cookley Green, Cornwell, Coscote, Cote, Cothill, Cottisford, Cowley, Crawley, Cray’s Pond, Crocker End, Cropredy, Crowmarsh Gifford, Cuddesdon, Culham, Cumnor, Curbridge, Cuxham, Dean, Deddington, Delly End, Denchworth, Denton, Didcot, Dorchester on Thames, Draycot, SDrayton, Drayton St. Leonard, Dry Sandford, Ducklington, SDunsden Green, Duns Tew, Duxford, Easington, East Challow, East End, East Ginge, East Hagbourne, East Hanney, East Hendred, East Lockinge, Eaton, Eaton Hastings, Elsfield, Emmington, Enstone, Epwell, Ewelme, Exlade Street, Eynsham, Faringdon, Farmoor, Fawler, Fencott, Fernham, Fewcott, Field Assarts, Fifield, Filkins, Finmere, Finstock, Fordwells, Forest Hill, Foscot, Foxcombe Hill, Freeland, Frilford, Fringford, Fritwell, Fulbrook, Fyfield, Gagingwell, Gallowstree Common, Garford, Garsington, Glympton, Goosey, Goring, Goring Heath, Gosford, Grafton, Grandpont, Great Bourton, Great Coxwell, Great Haseley, Great Milton, Great Rollright, Great Tew, Greenfield, Grimsbury, Grove, Hailey, Hampton Poyle, Hanwell, Hardwick, Harpsden, Harwell, Hatford, Headington, Hempton, Henley on Thames, Henton, Hethe, Heythrop, High Cogges, Highmoor, Highmoor Cross, Hinton Waldrist, Holton, Holwell, Hook Norton, Horley, Hornton, Horspath, Horton cum Studley, Idbury, Idstone, Iffley, Ipsden, Islip, Kelmscott, Kencot, Kennington, Kiddington, Kidlington, Kidmore End, Kingham, Kingston Bagpuize, Kingston Blount, Kingston Lisle, Kingston Stert, Kirtlington, Langford, Latchford, Launton, Leafield, Ledwell, Letcombe Bassett, Letcombe Regis, Lew, Lewknor, Lidstone, Little Bourton, Little Clanfield, Little Coxwell, Little Faringdon, Little Haseley, Little Milton, Littlemore, Little Rollright, Little Tew, Littleworth, Little Wittenham, Longcot, Long Hanborough, Long Wittenham, Longworth, Lower Arncott, Lower Assendon, Lower Heyford, Lower Shiplake, Lyford, Lyneham, Maidensgrove, Mapledurham, Marcham, Marsh Baldon, Marston, Merton, Middle Assendon, Middle Aston, Middle Barton, Middleton Stoney, Milcombe, Milton, Milton Common, Milton Hill, Milton under Wychwood, Minster Lovell, Mixbury, Mollington, Moreton, Moulsford, Mount Skippett, Murcott, Neithrop , Nethercott, Nether Worton, Nettlebed, Newington, Newton Purcell, New Yatt, Noke, North Aston, Northbourne, Northbrook, North Court, North Hinksey Village, North Leigh, North Moreton, North Newington, Northmoor, North Stoke, North Weston, Nuffield, Nuneham Courtenay, Oddington, Old Woodstock, Over Kiddington, Over Norton, Over Worton, Oxford, Park Corner, Park Town, Piddington, Pishill, Play Hatch, Poffley End, Postcombe, Pusey, Pyrton, Rack End, Radford, Radley, Ramsden, Roke, Rokemarsh, Rotherfield Greys, Rotherfield Peppard, Rousham, Rowstock, Russell’s Water, Salford, Sandford on Thames, Sandford St Martin, Sandhills, Sarsden, Satwell, Scotland End, Shellingford, Shenington, Shepherd’s Green, Shillingford, Shilton, Shiplake, Shippon, Shipton on Cherwell, Shipton under Wychwood, Shirburn, Shorthampton, Shrivenham, Shutford, Sibford Ferris, Sibford Gower, Signet, Slade End, Somerton, Sonning Common, Sonning Eye, Souldern, South Hinksey, South Leigh, Southmoor, South Moreton, South Newington, South Stoke, South Weston, Sparsholt, Spelsbury, Stadhampton, Standlake, Stanford in the Vale, Stanton Harcourt, Stanton St. John, Steeple Aston, Steeple Barton, Steventon, Stoke Lyne, Stoke Row, Stoke Talmage, Stonesfield, Stonor, Stratton Audley, Sunningwell, Sunnymead, Sutton, Sutton Courtenay, Swalcliffe, Swerford, Swinbrook, Swinford, Sydenham, Tackley, Tadmarton, Taston, Taynton, Tetsworth, Thame, Thrupp, Tiddington, Tokers Green, Toot Baldon, Towersey, Tubney, Uffington, Upper Arncott, Upper Heyford, Upper Wardington, Upton, Wallingford, Wantage, Warborough, Wardington, Watchfield, Waterperry, Waterstock, Watlington, Wendlebury, West Challow, Westcot, Westcott Barton, West Ginge, West Hagbourne, West Hanney, West Hendred, Weston on the Green, Westwell, Wheatley, Whitchurch Hill, Whitchurch on Thames, Whiteoak Green, Wigginton, Williamscot, Winterbrook, Witheridge Hill, Witney, Wolvercote, Woodcote, Woodeaton, Woodfield, Woodgreen, Woodstock, Woolstone, Wootton, Wroxton, Wyfold Grange, Wytham, Yarnton, Yelford.